
ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA) – Key Legal Insights

The Impact of ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA)

As legal fascinated intersection law economics, ASEAN Trade Services Agreement (ATISA) example. ATISA landmark potential revolutionize trade investment ASEAN region, eager intricacies implications.


ATISA is a comprehensive agreement aimed at liberalizing trade in services among the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Covers range service sectors, telecommunications, tourism, professional services, designed movement service providers competitiveness ASEAN`s service industries.

Benefits ATISA

ATISA immense promoting growth development ASEAN region. By opening up markets and removing barriers to trade in services, ATISA can lead to increased investment, job creation, and technological advancement. ASEAN Secretariat, services sector over 50% region`s GDP, ATISA critical economic integration prosperity.

Case Study: Impact ATISA Telecommunications Sector

Country Telecommunications Revenue (2019) Projected Revenue Growth ATISA
Indonesia $30 billion $40 billion
Thailand $25 billion $35 billion
Vietnam $20 billion $30 billion

demonstrated case ATISA potential substantial growth telecommunications sector ASEAN member states, tangible benefits agreement.

Challenges Ahead

ATISA offers opportunities advancement, presents terms regulatory market access, capacity building. States work address hurdles ensure effective implementation ATISA maximize potential benefits.

ATISA represents pivotal towards economic cooperation ASEAN region. Legal excited witness impact agreement trade services forward tracking progress years come.

Top 10 Legal Questions about ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA)

Question Answer
1. What ATISA what cover? ATISA is a multi-lateral trade agreement among ASEAN member states that aims to liberalize trade in services. It covers various service sectors such as telecommunications, finance, and professional services.
2. How ATISA impact property rights? ATISA provisions property rights protection, sectors software development entertainment services. Aims ensure fair equitable treatment property owners.
3. Can foreign companies operate freely under ATISA? ATISA provides market access and national treatment to foreign service providers, allowing them to operate and compete on an equal footing with domestic companies within ASEAN member states.
4. What dispute resolution mechanisms are available under ATISA? ATISA includes mechanisms for resolving disputes between member states, such as consultations and arbitration. It aims to ensure compliance with the agreement`s provisions and address any trade-related issues that may arise.
5. How does ATISA impact labor mobility? ATISA includes provisions on the movement of natural persons, facilitating the temporary entry of foreign service providers for business purposes. Aims promote mobility labor ASEAN region.
6. What key ATISA member states? ATISA member states increased regional markets, promotes competitiveness sectors, fosters growth development ASEAN region.
7. How does ATISA address non-tariff barriers to trade in services? ATISA provisions reducing eliminating non-tariff barriers trade, licensing requirements restrictions, promoting transparency predictability providers.
8. What role ATISA promoting service sectors? ATISA create environment investment service sectors promoting protection investment, market access, contributing integration development ASEAN.
9. How does ATISA impact government procurement in service sectors? ATISA includes provisions on government procurement, aiming to promote fair and transparent procurement processes and greater access for foreign service providers to government contracts within ASEAN member states.
10. What are the implications of ATISA for regulatory cooperation and convergence? ATISA encourages regulatory cooperation and convergence among member states, aiming to enhance regulatory efficiency, reduce unnecessary regulatory divergences, and facilitate greater compatibility and mutual recognition of regulatory standards in service sectors.

ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA) Contract

This agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on this [Effective Date] by and between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), hereinafter referred to as “Parties”.

Article 1: Definitions
1.1. “ATISA” means the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement, which entered into force on [Date].
1.2. “Services” means services covered under the ATISA as set forth in Annex [Annex Number].
Article 2: Purpose
2.1. The Parties agree to facilitate and promote trade in services among ASEAN Member States in accordance with the provisions of the ATISA.
Article 3: Scope
3.1. This Agreement shall apply to trade in services between the Parties as defined in Article 1.1.
Article 4: Obligations
4.1. Party shall ensure laws, regulations, administrative consistent provisions ATISA.
4.2. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the implementation and enforcement of the ATISA within their respective territories.
Article 5: Dispute Settlement
5.1. Dispute arising relating Agreement resolved accordance provisions Annex [Annex Number] ATISA.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.