
What Companies Does Disney Own? | Complete List of Disney Subsidiaries

Exploring The Vast World of Disney`s Ownership

As a dedicated Disney fan, I`ve always been fascinated by the sheer breadth of the entertainment empire that Walt Disney Company has built over the years. From beloved theme parks to iconic movie studios, the company`s portfolio is as diverse as it is impressive.

But just how extensive is Disney`s reach? Let`s take a deep dive into the world of Disney`s ownership and explore the various companies that fall under its umbrella.

Disney`s Major Acquisitions

In recent years, Disney has made several high-profile acquisitions that have significantly expanded its portfolio. Some most ones include:

Company Acquisition Year
Pixar Animation Studios 2006
Marvel Entertainment 2009
Lucasfilm 2012
21st Century Fox 2019

These acquisitions have not only brought iconic brands like Marvel and Star Wars under the Disney umbrella but have also solidified Disney`s position as a dominant force in the entertainment industry.

Disney`s Major Subsidiaries

In addition to high-profile Disney also owns number major across entertainment sectors. Some key subsidiaries include:

Subsidiary Industry
Walt Disney Studios Film Production
Disney Parks, Experiences and Products Theme Parks and Consumer Products
Disney Media Networks Television Networks
Disney Interactive Studios Interactive Entertainment

These subsidiaries cover a wide range of entertainment and consumer-facing industries, further cementing Disney`s influence in the global market.

From film to theme the Walt Disney Company`s extends far wide. Strategic and diverse range of Disney has itself as powerhouse in industry.

As fan and of Disney`s truly to see company`s growth influence. Can`t to what future for Disney the experiences continues to to around world.


Legal Contract: What Companies Does The Walt Disney Company Own

This contract outlines the ownership of companies by The Walt Disney Company. Is legally agreement between parties involved.

Parties Involved Walt Disney Company Other Companies
Ownership Walt Disney Company, multinational conglomerate, and a vast of in industries including networks, and studio products. Other companies owned by The Walt Disney Company include ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 20th Century Studios among others.
Legal Obligations Walt Disney Company is to its companies in with all laws and regulations. The companies are to to the policies and set by Walt Disney Company.
Termination This in effect until as Walt Disney Company divests itself of subsidiary in case a agreement be negotiated. In that subsidiary are or The Walt Disney Company provide to the parties in a manner.
Dispute Resolution Any arising this shall through in with the of the in Walt Disney Company is. All agree to in to any in a and manner.
Signatures _____________________
Walt Disney Company
Date: _______________
[Other Company Name]
Date: _______________


Unveiling the Magic: What Companies Does The Walt Disney Company Own?

1. Is Walt Disney Company a of other company? Yes, The Walt Disney Company is a subsidiary of TWDC Enterprises 18 Corp., is in a of Walt Disney Company.
2. Does Walt Disney Company own ESPN? Yes, The Walt Disney Company owns ESPN through its subsidiary, ESPN Inc.
3. What is Walt Disney Company`s stake in Hulu? The Walt Disney Company has a 67% ownership stake in Hulu, with Comcast and AT&T owning the remaining 33%.
4. Does Walt Disney Company own Pixar? Yes, The Walt Disney Company acquired Pixar Animation Studios in 2006, making it a wholly owned subsidiary.
5. What companies under Walt Disney Company`s networks division? The Walt Disney Company`s media networks division includes ABC, ESPN, Disney Channel, and various other television and radio stations.
6. Is Marvel part of Walt Disney Company? Yes, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009, making it a wholly owned subsidiary.
7. What is Walt Disney Company`s stake in Vice Media? The Walt Disney Company owned a 10% stake in Vice Media, but sold it to A+E Networks in 2018.
8. Does Walt Disney Company own Lucasfilm? Yes, The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, making it a wholly owned subsidiary.
9. What companies part of Walt Disney Company`s & international division? Walt Disney Company`s & international division includes Disney+, Hulu, ESPN+, and international businesses.
10. Does Walt Disney Company own National Geographic? Yes, The Walt Disney Company acquired National Geographic as part of its acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019.